A Web and School-based Professional Development Project for Foreign Language Teachers of Young Learners
Idoya Perez, Manager
Primary English Teacher in CEIP Castilla (Alcobendas, Madrid) since September 2015.
Secondary Physics and Chemistry Teacher in I.E.S. Tierra de Campos (Villalpando, Zamora) from May to June, 2015.
Private Tuition Teacher (Maths, Physics, Chemistry and English) from September 2002 to August 2015.
Fourth-year Teaching Practice in Colegio Sagrado Corazón de Jesús (Zamora) from February 10th to April 11th, 2014.
Third-year Teaching Practice in Colegio San José (Zamora) from April 15th to May 31st, 2013.
Participant in the activity: Me divierto con la Ciencia (I enjoy with Science) in several schools in Zamora. Centro de Formación del Profesorado e Innovación Educativa de Zamora. School year 2008/2009.
Participant in Research Project in the water purification plant in Zamora, Aquagest S.A., from July 2006 to July 2008.
Ofelia Culebradas Bachiller
Idoya Perez