A Web and School-based Professional Development Project for Foreign Language Teachers of Young Learners


OU 1: The Teacher Needs Analysis Survey Instrument

The survey can be reached here: 





•  Review of the Literature

•  Preparation of the draft survey items

•  Revision of the survey items

•  Piloting and factor analysis (Gazi University)

•  Second revision of the survey items

•  Final survey instrument


OU 2: The Report on Teacher Needs Analysis Survey Results




•  Each university will administer the Teacher Needs Analysis Survey (TNAS) on at least 100    

    teachers in their country.


•  Statistical analysis will be conducted by Gazi University


•  The final report of the survey results will be written by Gazi University.

OU 3: Ten Modules for the Web-based In-service Training of Language Teachers of  

Young Learners


SBATEYL Web-based Teacher Education Program for Early Language Teachers


Module 1: Information about young learners, Language approaches and Methods appropriate    for young learners, special classroom considerations for young learners such as    classroom management, classroom language, motivation.... (University of Salerno,    Italy)

Module 2: Teaching Listening to young learners (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain)    

Module 3: Teaching Speaking to young learners (Gazi University, Turkey)

Module 4: Teaching Reading to young learners (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid Spain)

Module 5: Teaching Writing to young learners (Mariboru University, Slovenia)

Module 6: Teaching Vocabulary to young learners (University of Salerno, Italy)

Module 7: Teaching Grammar and Error Correction in young learner classrooms (Gazi University, Turkey)

Module 8: Teaching Intercultural Competence to young learners (Universidad Autonoma de  Madrid, Spain)

Module 9: Integrating Technology in young learner classrooms (Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey)

Module 10: Assessing Young Learners (Mariboru University, Slovenia)




•Each partner university will prepare the assigned modules.

•The modules will be reviewed in the 3rd meeting in Spain.

•The modules will be piloted in schools and revised.

•The modules will be piloted again and revised.

•The final modules will be reviewed in the 4th meeting in Slovenia.

OU 4a: Professional training of the partner primary school teachers through the Web-based INSET program



•The partner primary school teachers will take and complete the Web-based INSET program.


•This phase will be completed during the summer vacation (July-August, 2016).


OU 4b: Follow-up school-based implementation by teachers under the supervision of the university partners.



•After the completion of the program, teachers will implement what they learned in their classes.


•Teachers will be guided and supervised by the university partners and receive constant feedback while they are trying new approaches, methods, and techniques in their classrooms.



O5: Collection of the classroom-tested best practices and activities developed by our primary school language teacher partners upon the implementation of our INSET program.



•While the teachers are implementing the INSET program in their classes, they will develop original activities and lesson plans.


•These activities will be tested in classes.


•The classroom-tested best practices, activities, and lesson plans will be selected and edited by the university partners.


•These activities will be posted to the INSET Web Portal.




The International Conference on Teaching Foreign Languages to Young Learners (in 2017). 


The conference book in which papers from the conference will be included.




